Saturday, April 26, 2014


After months of delay, Soylent finally ships


Well, I made it to the big 5-Oh on Friday April 25th!  I decided to make myself a Soylent cookie.  It was actually pretty good.  Even my wife said she liked it.  50 is going to be awesome with Soylent!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Have Soylent, Will Travel

Three weeks have already gone by on my Soylent Odyssey.  This was another banner week as I took Soylent on a four-day Easter weekend trip.  By this time, I had pretty much mastered the art of drinking Soylent at home and at work.  Both of those are fairly routine, and it's easy to get into that life rhythm.  However, travel was something new.

Our first stop for lunch was at Panda Express.  The whole family -- minus The Soylent Guy -- piled into Panda to get awesome looking Chinese food.  Did I mention that everything looks and smells awesome these days?  Anyway, while the rest of the Fam went inside, I got the boot, which is to say I made my Soylent in the trunk of my car.

I kid you not, I had a quasi-religious experience there for a minute, driving down the road, sipping my Soylent.  While everyone else got stuffed to the gullet, I could almost feel my brain cells sparkle with each sip.

Okay, I'm back.  The next eventful stop of the trip was Dodger Stadium.  Unfortunately, you cannot bring any opened containers into the stadium, which meant I wasn't able to Christen Dodger Stadium with its first taste of Soylent.  (RTD anyone?)

So I watched everyone else eat Dodger Dogs, pizza, nachos, chased with sodas and beer.  Yeah, I was practically drooling by this point, but I survived.

The final test was that we were graciously invited to Easter dinner...where at 5 minutes to dinnertime, I had to finally tell our hosts that I was drinking "meal replacements" order to get healthier, of course.  Not even a hitch.  Everyone was like, "okay, we get it."  What was I ever worried about?  Soylent is more socially acceptable than I knew.

So there it is.  I've survived three weeks drinking Soylent.  Actually, I've thrived for three weeks with Soylent, and the best is yet to come.  Three days from now, Official Soylent will be shipping.  My shipment may be three weeks out, but it is coming.  That is going to be a big day of celebration.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It's already been two weeks drinking Soylent as my only food source.  While there was a lot to report at week one, week two has been just the opposite.  I haven't had any hunger issues.  My energy levels have been good and steady.  My sleep has been great.  Everything is steady as she goes.

My daughter did say to me last night, "Dad, you're not grumpy anymore at night now that you're drinking Soylent."  I said, "Are you telling me I used to be grumpy?"  She said, "You sure were; you were tired and didn't want to be bothered.  Now you're full of energy, talkative, and really fun."

Who knew?  I didn't even notice the change.  I just know that I feel better.  I must say, I'm liking this Soylent lifestyle.  I can't wait to see what the next weeks and months bring!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Wanna know what The Official Soylent tastes like? Lee Cauble got a pre-shipping sample...

This may sound crazy but - Soylent 1.0 - The First Taste Experience

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Official Soylent projected to begin shipping April 21, 2014!


My first week on DIY Soylent was not what I expected.  I woke up this morning feeling normal, and normal was a welcome feeling.  I knew that Soylent would be very different from my regular eating habits.  I knew my body would have to adjust.  But knowing and experiencing are two very different things.

The first three days, I was hungry, really hungry, all the time.  On day two, I forgot to bring my Soylent breakfast and lunch to work.  Somehow, I managed to stick it out.  I ravaged an entire day's worth of Soylent when I got home.

Then there were the headaches, the lethargy, the constant stomach rumbling, and the cravings.  My senses were heightened.  I could smell delicious food from a mile away.  Everything smelled like a gourmet meal...that I was missing out on!

And then, on about day four, without any real fanfare, all these things started to fade.  I began to feel more rested in the mornings.  I noticed I wasn't really hungry.  The headaches were gone, and once Soylent had replaced all the bad food in my body, my stomach became calm and happy.

This morning, one week to the day from the beginning of my Soylent odyssey, I woke up feeling...normal.  By normal I mean, really good.  I felt rested.  I had no backache.  I was not hungry, and my Soylent was SO satisfying to drink.  In fact, I've had more energy today than I've had in a very long time.  I have this extra spark that is propelling me through the day.

I can tell you, I did have my doubts early on, but now I'm fairly excited about what the coming weeks and months will bring.  I'm even more excited for Official Soylent to be released.  From my vantage point the food of the future is looking pretty good.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Frozen Soylent

Ahhhhh!  Frozen Soylent!  This is my treat for the weekend.  Is there anything this stuff can't do?

Thursday, April 3, 2014




This is what my scale read on April 1st, 2014.  I wonder how Soylent is going to change this number?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First Soylent Lunch at the Office

So this is what lunchtime looks like with Soylent.  It's rather minimalist, I must say.  But it's also quick, easy, and I can keep right on working while I enjoy a tasty Soylent lunch.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It's April 1st, 2014, and for the next year I'll be eating nothing but Soylent!  I'll start off with Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Soylent, but when Official Soylent arrives at my door, I'll be making the switch to the real thing.

Maybe you've never heard of Soylent or you just want to learn more.  If that's the case, then this blog should help you on your way.  Be sure to click the "follow" button.  I hope to share lots of Soylent info and some good Soylent-ertainment from time to time.  Check out the video below for a quick overview of the making of DIY Soylent.

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy!